Blake Faulkner, at Braidwood Farm Stay, is an avid collector of Pokemon Cards and would like to sell some that are surplus to his collection. Hopefully you can find cards that are missing from your own collection here!
There’s Fletchling, Mareep and Electric Energy for $2.14 each
Goltik and Vigoroth for $2.68 each
Hawlucha, Swablu, Dunsparce, Herdier, Starly, Rufflet, Teddiursa, Furfrou, Lillipup, Braviary, Emolga, Chinchou, Toxel and Chatot for $3.21 each.
Treasure Energy and Pikipek for $3.75 each.
Castform and Farfetch'd for $4.28 each.
Pikachu for $21.40
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Click on Take Away
Click on Farm Shop.
Click on the card category you’d like, and enjoy :)